Monday, November 3, 2008

Unfortunately, I have to put the witch's hat away. It's such a nice big hat ... it "slims me."

The next thing to look forward to (in the way of hats) is my Santa hat. That one yields really bad hat hair, though. (That's why Santa keeps his hat on all year long!)

I'm planning a "Deer Widow" event at the shop. Sales, drawings, and make/take projects. Fun (but freaking me out right now)!

Friday, October 31, 2008

There are also treats at the shop: candy corn, my "home-baked" Halloween Oreos, and then there's the "good stuff" behind the counter (hard-core chocolate) for paying customers. Bwuh-ha-ha-ha!

Happy Halloween

The Big Witch will be in the shop from 4-6P tonight...complete with Big Hat, Big Cape, and Big Skulls!